Sunday, March 29, 2020

NewDo: Virtual Cocktail Party, the new mode of social gathering

Virtual Cocktail Party

Friends Creatively Getting Together During Stay at Home Restrictions

The new mode of meeting up with friends
With recent restrictions, it has become practically impossible to lead a normal social life. Challenges call for creative measures.

Thanks to online meeting tools such as Zoom and GotoMeeting, all things are possible.

Coordinate the friends, figure out a time and theme, and set up the meeting.

Our plan was for a Friday late-afternoon cocktail party. Each couple was to prepare their own appetizers and drinks, and take photos to share.

Come 5 p.m., we all logged on to the meeting and proceeded to catch up with each other. Conversation revolved around new topics such as how we are all handling our new way of living, what home projects we are working on, what we had recently experimented with in our cooking.

Salami rolled asparagus, melted cheese and artichoke dip, and fresh fruit

Grilled broccoli and cauliflower, homemade humous, Monchego cheese with assorted crackers and almonds

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