I have been to Verona many times, and have looked for yarn stores with no luck. You have to know who to ask, and so, you must ask a knitter. I was pleased to find out that my Italian friend Anna is a knitter, and so, she took me on tour of a few wonderful stores in Verona and area. We will begin with Jenny Klaier, Filati & Ricami. To the right here, you can see Jenny (left) and Lina (right).
First of all, meet Anna.. a fellow fiber enthusiast.

Jenny Klaer is the name of the store and of the owner. It is a lovely shop full of color, samples and of course, interesting yarns. Here are a couple shots of the interior of the store.

Jenny Klaer, Filati & Ricami
Via S. Egidio, 11, 37121 Verona (this is near Piazza Erbe)
Tel: 045 596761
This is a great yarn, and you can see the project I am going to do. Jenny was very gracious and sketched the design and instructions for me. This is a simple shawl that begins with 151 stitches and involves decreases every other row. The first portion is knit with the edge of the yarn as your stitch. This creates a fringe of sorts. The latter body-portion is knit with the entire yarn forming the stitch.

Here is another yarn

Another yarn and scarf.

1 comment:
If, during your hunt through stores for 'female handcrafts' supplies (the old-fashoned term, here), you chance across Paternayan needlepoint yarn, would you please let me know? Google-ing doesn't turn up everything, and currently there seem to be no suppliers in Italy. I have to buy my supplies abroad, and count on the kindness of friends to avoid the postage costs, or about double the price just because of the postage. Thanks!!!
Star, Star's Needlepoint art (non-commercial)
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