Hi all...
I'm excited to say that I have an article in the current issue of Threads. It is on Facing Alternatives.
It should be on the news stands now.
This is the blog of Susan Lazear, Creative Director and owner of Cochenille Design Studio, a company that produces software for the textile arts, and Professor of Fashion at Mesa College in San Diego, California. www.cochenille.com
I returned from HGA where I purchased Garment Designer after taking the workshop and have been reading my manual with highlighter in hand! This Sat. morning my Grandson brought his bear to me and asked me to make him a shirt. We measured him together and I made a sloper and then a shirt pattern. While he attended a soccer game I cut it out and sewed it up on my serger. I sent him a picture of Pooh bear on his Dad's phone. He was so excited to get "such a perfect shirt" for his bear. The software is incredible! Mary Jane